Cambridge-based materials science company Xampla has launched its first consumer brand Morro to promote sustainable packaging.

The ‘Morro marque’ on packaging aims to make it easy for consumers to choose products that indicate where sustainable, plant-based materials have been used.

Xampla’s technology is said to be completely plastic-free, and the material is not chemically modified, ensuring it is able to break down with food waste and even in the sea or soil if it accidently ends up there.

Additionally, Morro materials can be edible and soluble, meaning they can be used in applications where the whole product – packaging and all – is either cooked or eaten together.

This is alongside ‘micro-packaging’ vitamins and nutrients within liquids to protect them from UV-rays, pasteurisation, and changes in pH balance.

The Morro marque aims to be a gold standard in sustainability and is based on 15 years of research at the University of Cambridge by Xampla.

Xampla executive chair Pete Hutton commented: “With the public ever more acutely aware of the dangers of plastic pollution and carbon cost of producing it, consumers are ready for a practical alternative.”

In a recent interview, Xampla head of business development Stanley Mitchell told Packaging Gateway that “The market for sustainable packaging is only moving in one direction so brands that do not invest in truly sustainable solutions early will be left behind.”