UK-based materials technology company Xampla has partnered with the Yili Innovation Centre Europe to deploy its nutrient microcapsule technology.

The plant-based packaging material protects ingredients in beverages, from production to digestion, without changing product taste or texture.

The technology guards against degradation risks from UV (ultraviolet), pH (potential of hydrogen) or heat shock in products, to fortify ingredients independent of environmental conditions.

A scale-up from the University of Cambridge, Xampla’s partnership with Yili marks a pivotal step in building the company’s technology from proof of concept to full-scale production.

The company will accelerate the deployment of its nutrient microcapsules to global markets, introducing advanced fortification technology. It recently secured a multi-year supply deal with Huhtamaki for plastic-free coating for foodservice containers.

Yili is Asia’s largest and fastest-growing dairy company. It is highly active across all dairy categories, including liquid milk, infant and adult milk powder, yogurt, ice cream and cheese, requiring a range of packaging solutions.

Xampla CEO Alexandra French commented: “Having the support of this leading global dairy brand has further strengthened our position in food and beverage fortification technology. We look forward to seeing our microencapsulation technology make its way from the laboratory to a market of health and environment-conscious consumers.”

Yili Innovation Centre Europe invests in startups across the entire dairy supply chain. Managing director Gerrit Smit added: “We are excited to start this pilot collaboration. Yili always strives to bring next-generation products with nutrition and health to consumers.”