Zume has acquired Pivot Packaging to develop a plant-based, compostable material.

This sustainable textile will be used to form a new type of food packaging that offers an alternative to plastic. Called Zume Source Packaging, the technology reuses agricultural waste from sources such as sugarcane fibre, bamboo, wheat and straw to create a mouldable fibre.

Zume has announced it will open a 70,000ft2 production facility in Southern California to manufacture the packaging, as well as revealed plans to open several facilities across the US.

Zume Source Packaging is aimed to address the various challenges that compostable packaging encounters, such as adaptability and durability in comparison to plastic.

Zume CEO and chairman Alex Garden said: “A more sustainable food future must start with packaging. That’s why we’re teaming with some of the world’s leading food brands to reach our goal of eliminating plastic and styrofoam in fresh foods and food delivery.

“Food delivery is upending the food system as we know it, and we believe that the powerful consumer demand signals it generates can be a force creating a more sustainable world.

“Food packaging is a huge part of this equation because it provides critical consumption data, and also provides information from the farm where its materials are sourced to the final disposal.”

Zume has set a target of replacing one billion plastic and styrofoam food containers by 2020 in an effort to reduce the amount of single-use plastics. The company is also partnering with food brands to eliminate plastic and styrofoam in fresh foods and delivery.

The material is currently being developed into containers such as cups, bowls, plates, utensils and serving trays.