
BERICAP France has recently launched for its customer SEBA APROZ, the integrated beverage supplier of MIGROS, the leading retail chain in Switzerland, channelling more than 40% of all food products in William Tell’s country.

This closure is replacing the old fashion existing 2-piece dispensing closure which among other defects requires two hands to open, has a removable overcap that can get lost easily, has a tear off membrane often difficult to open and a tear off ring that often breaks.

The new closure, Ref: 4351, belongs to a new generation of dispensing closures with hinge that BERICAP France initiated recently to replace the 2-piece range for more convenience to the consumers:

  • Convenient hinge allowing the overcap to quickly fall back on its own to almost 180°open position
  • Beak shaped spout – allowing precise dosing and integrated into the general shape of the closure for easy capping
  • Easy to open membrane thanks to a special shape of the tearing zone and reinforced tear off ring

Indeed, such closure is a real concentrate of know-how and technology as it is covered by 3 patent and 1 registered design:

1. Closure snapped on screw neck finish (European patent) – efficient bottom tamper evidence, security against counterfeiting by preventing re-use of PET bottle for other applications.

2. Convenient hinge allowing the overcap to quickly fall back on its own to almost 180°open position.

3. Beak shaped spout – allowing precise dosing and integrated into the general shape of the closure for easy capping (French patent application).

4. Easy to open membrane thanks to a special shape of the tearing zone and reinforced tear off ring (French patent application).

5. Overall registered design.

MIGROS are so satisfied of this move to this new BERICAP closure that they are now advertising on closure to create a competitive edge with other products on the market and to make a difference with other fruit syrups of the market and create attention of consumers.

Recent interviews with Swiss consumers confirm that with this new closure MIGROS are raising great attention of consumers, especially of parents eager to find alternative solution to CSD for children against obesity with fruit syrups and happy to find with such BERICAP closure a convenient and clean way to deliver the right dose of syrup to their children.

Same concept is also applied to other closures for syrups in development for other PET neck diameters such as 38 mm and for metal can such as ref. 4841 made in France for TEISSEIRE and 4846 made in Hungary for SLAUR.