
The market environment in the mineral water industry changes rapidly. Best price offers of discounters for mineral water filled in one-way PET are the bench mark for the whole industry. In consequence, cost structures must be adapted drastically and fast.

Bottle and closure weight play an important role when it comes to exploiting possible saving potentials. The combined weight of the new 1881 neck and DoubleSeal SuperShorty® CSD Eco closure allows a resin saving of nearly 25% compared with standard PET finishes. Two German mineral water producers have now decided to switch from standard PCO 28 neck to PCO 1881 and Bericap’s DoubleSeal SuperShorty CSD Eco. They have both been in the market place since spring 2009.

For Darguner Brauerei the approach to change their water line was based on the positive experience that they had with the Bericap DoubleSeal SuperShorty closure system – two years ago Darguner Brauerei introduced the DoubleSeal SuperShorty O2S in their beer segment.

For Teinacher (part of Mineralbrunnen Überkingen-Teinach) the decision to switch to PCO 1881 has been more complex. Besides the positive cost saving effects, consumer reactions when opening bottles with shorter necks had to be evaluated. Also save supply of preforms for their product portfolio had to be secured, especially for the various preform weights of the PETcycle range. During the first few months of their summer season Teinacher has been very pleased with the excellent performance of the new neck.

DoubleSeal SuperShorty CSD Eco is suitable for mineral water and carbonated soft drinks up to 8g CO2/l and convinces thanks to its economic and technical advantages. The closure ensures safe venting on large bottle sizes up to 2.5l.

Bericap’s DoubleSeal SuperShorty CSD Eco contributes to reducing packaging cost and also helps the environment by offering less use of raw materials and less weight to move in the complete supply chain, while consumers experience the same convenience as they did before.