
BERICAP will once again be exhibiting at this year’s Interpack trade fair in Düsseldorf.

In hall 10 at stand E 67, on an exhibition stand over 180m² in size, the international closure manufacturer will be displaying its range of proven products and new developments aimed at a variety of markets, such as the beverage, food, automotive, chemical and agrochemical industries.

This year’s spotlight falls directly on the subject of ‘Lightweight Design’. Whereas in the past lighter closures tended to be developed more for carbonated drinks and still water, today greater attention is being given to the ongoing development of lighter packaging for aseptic filling and hot-filling processes.

New developments have been launched for the food market – specifically for edible oil and squeezable products. As well as benefitting from cost savings generated by using lighter closures, manufacturers are also concerned with conserving non-renewable resources and reducing the greenhouse gas effect.

The demand in technical applications is for closures that protect contents from counterfeiting. This is all the more important as global players in the chemical industry need to protect their products against product piracy, particularly where these are manufactured in developing countries.

Saving weight with one-piece closures for hot-filled PET packaging

It was back in 2003 that BERICAP introduced the first one-piece closures for hot filling in PET to the Chinese market. Since then it has enjoyed success in hot filling applications in many countries in Asia and Europe.

The one-piece 38mm closure for hot filling in PET was recently introduced in Egypt by BERICAP together with juice processor JUHAYNA, and a leading German manufacturer of baby juices has also just decided to use the one-piece 38mm closure for its juices, which are hot-filled in PET bottles.

With many years of experience in one-piece closures for hot filling in PET, BERICAP has been a driving force in the development of lightweight closures, particularly in conjunction with weight-reduced bottle necks. Tests have shown that the BERICAP DoubleSeal™ System protects the bottle neck against deformation in hot filling to such an extent that significant savings in materials can be made without jeopardising the safety of the filled product.

Bottle necks are therefore set to become lighter in future for both the 38mm and 28mm PET bottles currently on the market. A 33mm neck size will shortly complement the product range for closures in the hot fill sector.