
For more than seven years BERICAP has offered the capping head BVK, designed by BERICAP. The BVK capping head is equipped with a hysteresis coupling, providing a constant application torque independent of the head speed and hence independent from the filling line and capper speed.

Many of BERICAP’s customers appreciate the performance of the hysteresis capping head which is offered together with supplies of closures.

BERICAP has now released the next-generation BNX capping head. BNX provides an application torque at an even narrower range independent of the head speed compared to the previous solution. The height of the BNX is shorter to make the head mountable in all major capper configurations existing in the market. The BNX is liquid-tight to prevent washing down of lubricants. Last but not least, the BNX capping head allows the application torque to be adjusted simply by hand, without any special tooling.

BERICAP and its technical customer service available from all its plants is happy to give you further information and consulting.