
In 2004, BERICAP developed the SuperShorty, a 28mm closure suitable to a short height neck finish. The development was intended to provide weight savings in bottle closure, and also to offer a more attractive closure design, especially for single serve bottles.

The SuperShorty fits on the new short height neck in accordance with PCO 1881. BERICAP offers the SuperShorty in two different outside designs: one with a crown look, the other with a CSD look. The crown look is of interest for bottlers who want to be close to the traditional glass bottle with metal crown, or who just want to be different. The SuperShorty crown look targets bottlers who fill beer into PET, but also CSD fillers for smaller packaging sizes. The CSD look is of interest for bottlers who want to maximise weight savings. The SuperShorty is suitable both for single-serve bottles and larger bottle sizes.

Both closure variants can be equipped with an inshell moulded oxygen scavenging liner for oxygen-sensitive products like beer or juices. BERICAP is developing a closure design for still water which will provide further weight savings. The SuperShorty incorporates the BERICAP DoubleSeal system, which has proven its superior sealing performance over the last years.

A short height neck, according to PCO 1881, offers weight savings of 1.3g compared to PCO 1810 or PCO28. SuperShorty offers weight savings of 0.4g for the crown design and 0.6g for the CSD design. Total savings therefore reach 1.9g.

BERICAP will start supplying SuperShortys at the beginning of 2007, and has the necessary experience for capper adaptation and capper settings. Bericap offers technical support from every Bericap factory and, in addition, offers its own hysteresis capping head for easy and constant application. For further information, please click on the link below.