
While markets such as the food sector are ever-evolving, there’s one industry that has to keep up or even try to be ahead, the packaging industry. Products develop, market needs change and global developments influence the need for different packaging solutions. Let’s look at how the FIBC industry and Masterpack specifically are adapting.

Modified Atmosphere for FIBCs

How can we get a grip on the supply chain of perishable foods? How can we make sure it leaves the producer fresh and safely and travels globally while maintaining its taste, colour and smell? And how can we do all this without the use of chemicals or harmful products?

This is one of the biggest challenges in the global food market, but one Masterpack particularly likes. Masterpack’s innovations have allowed the creation of Modified Atmospheres in FIBCs. This elongates shelf life, fights pests and contamination, all with just oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Safer Bags for Food and Pharmaceuticals

Products like food and pharma have special needs. They are closely linked to health and safety and what material they have transported in plays a big role in that. Over the years, the FIBC industry has greatly improved and found new ways to create bags that are safe to use with food products and pharmaceuticals. The way the bags are produced, we can make sure that no harmful elements can mingle with the product they will be protecting.

Sustainable Practices in the Production of FIBCs

The packaging industry has a big responsibility to create more sustainable processes in the production of Big Bags. Not to follow trends, but to set a new standard.

One of the ways Masterpack is doing this is by how we create our liners. We try to reduce waste as much as we can. For this, we create custom liners for our orders, instead of having to cut off excess material from standard liners.