
Did you know that in 1997 Newtec constructed the first AI-based grading machine for potatoes before:

  • WiFi was introduced
  • was registered
  • Netflix was established
  • Operating systems were still installed from floppy disks
  • Intel launched their Pentium II
  • A computer beat a reigning world chess champion under tournament conditions?

“When we look ahead and discuss future innovative solutions, we look much further than 2021 to provide our customers with the optimal solution, securing their current and future business”, says Newtec’s managing director Robin Mumford.

Research and development

In a world of constant and accelerating change, it can be challenging to keep up with the opportunities and potential threats that new regulation standards bring. “We continue to invest significant resources on research and development to ensure that our solutions remain one step ahead”, says Robin Mumford. With more than 40 years of experience and as leading manufacturer of weighing, sorting and packing machinery for the fruit and vegetable industry, Newtec can easily update their customers on all new initiatives, trends and developments within the food industry to enable customers to choose the right equipment.

“We have invested in the development of our state-of-the-art in-house laboratories, which work in close cooperation with national and international researchers, scientists, universities and PhD students to identify new developments and insights that have the potential to transform the whole industry tomorrow”, he explains. This could come from advancements in material sciences, nanotechnology, next-generation optics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and countless other industry related technologies.

Smooth and easy operation and yet complex technology and software

For new customers this can feel overwhelming, however, the managing director of Newtec emphasises that customers do not need to worry about the complex, high-tech machinery and cutting-edge software. “It just offers security for the packhouse owners knowing that the machinery will work today, tomorrow and even in 25 years whilst being easy to use and maintain”, he explains.

The intuitive interface makes it easy for the operators to take the full control of the production. All machines are designed to work together, in terms of product handling, signalling, data sharing, data collection and user interfaces. One solution, one supplier ensures total integration and optimal production.

“Newtec provides the highest quality assurance in the industry and is servicing a broad range of customers from small family packing houses to the largest industrial factories in the world”, says the managing director. “You can rest assure that when cooperating with Newtec and using Newtec machinery, you and your production will be in safe hands with our dedicated and experienced team”. Mr Mumford elaborates: “the stainless steel construction and excellent mechanical design make our machines extremely durable!”

One of the largest packhouses in Australia, Rocky Lamattina & Sons, a long-term Newtec customer, supports this statement: “When you get to a situation where you need to be processing up to 200t a day, you can’t have anything that’s going to let you down,” says the managing director of Rocky Lamattina & Sons, Angelo Lamattina, explaining the need for choosing the best industry equipment.

“We are a strong global brand; clients trust our name and reputation,” head of research, Bjarke Jørgensen says. “The quality of our machinery is unparalleled, as is our installation service. Customers can automate their processes at any level they choose, making us a true partner.”

Newtec managing director Robin Mumford believes that their impressive growth is due to fundamental principles. As a privately owned family business, Newtec remains focused on solving people’s problems, and making life easier for them by ‘delivering high quality and making things work’.