
Packaging is becoming more and more important to any brand. In fact, the package is often your only salesperson in a self-service environment. The package determines how well you can protect your product during transportation, achieve shelf impact in the store, communicate your brand and offer functional storage and dispensing. Packaging is involved in the entire brand experience.

Korsnäs’s role is to offer a packaging solution rather than merely a product. The term ‘supplier’ has taken on a new meaning and is defined in a much broader sense than before. Of course Korsnäs manufactures paper-based packaging material. But Korsnäs is also a knowledge centre for the development of packaging solutions. The Korsnäs Optipack programme, for instance, is used to identify the ideal material and package design in order to optimise the distribution process – taking into account factors such as weight, stacking and package construction. The Korsnäs packaging performance service is a team of experts who solve packaging problems, develop new solutions, improve packaging features and design packages. Their expertise includes converting and printing applications and shelf impact as well as user friendliness. They submit packaging to physical testing and offer consulting services for assessments and recommendations.

The world around us is growing more and more knowledge-intensive in the packaging industry as well as everywhere else. Everyone needs to rely on partners with a broader range of competencies. This growing complexity needs simplicity for counterbalance. In a world that is changing at a fast pace, brands need good, strong relationships that represent stability and trust. That is why we have developed our organisation and value proposition in the way we have.

At Korsnäs, the customer service team is one of the important building blocks in our business offering. In the most recent customer survey over 92% of respondents rated our customer service as ‘excellent’ on all important parameters. The team provides good support in the major European languages, ensures smooth order management processes and handles all queries about availability and delivery systems.

Korsnäs customers are primarily converters and brand owners. They and their own customers are already very aware of environmental issues. At Korsnäs our aim is to stay ahead in climate-smart packaging. We will continue to push towards sustainability in all aspects of our operations – responsible forestry, sourcing, production processes, energy management, and distribution and logistics systems. These efforts form the basis for an informed choice of packaging supplier, not least in the luxury goods market.

In 2009 Korsnäs attended Luxe Pack for the third time. At last year’s Luxe Pack we successfully launched the rebranded premium cartonboard material Korsnäs White. This year at Luxe Pack our stand displayed a selection of good packaging solutions from some of our customers in the premium segment.