
Alexir Packaging have enjoyed success in this year’s StarPack awards with their Old St. Andrews whisky carton produced on FRÖVI CARRY. The UK based packaging company was awarded a Bronze Award at a ceremony held at the recent Total Packaging and Processing show.

Combination of Creative Skill and Choice of Substrate

Alexir’s Sales Director Peter Hargreaves was delighted with the award and put the success down to a combination of their creative skill and the correct choice of substrate. “The innate strength of FRÖVI CARRY enabled us to produce a carton to withstand the rigours of the packaging chain whilst retaining its good looks.”

Old St. Andrews is a premier brand aimed at the export market. The carton gives the brand shelf appeal and encourages sales. Alexir used six colours and varnish with a foil-blocked design and it was their production expertise that caught the judges’ eyes.

St Andrews in Scotland is the spiritual home of golf and attracts golfers from all over the globe to play its Old Course. Old St. Andrews is the golfing spirit that can be enjoyed at home.

We congratulate Alexir on their award and look forward to seeing them win many more using Frovi substrates.

  • Brand: Old St. Andrews
  • Converter: Alexir Packaging Ltd, UK
  • Cartonboard Producer: AssiDomän Frövi, Sweden
  • Substance: FRÖVI CARRY 425 gsm