
Bonar Plastics has received the Dutch Packaging Innovation Award for their new transport container for chemicals and the wireless monitoring system ConTracer

“Although being introduced only last month, this is one of the many signals we have received confirming that this combination of container and communication system fulfils a need in the logistic chain” says Wim-Henk Stoppkotte, Director Sales & Marketing of Bonar Plastics and continuous “We are very proud to have this award since many good products of well-known companies had been nominated”.

The Gouden Noot award is an initiative of the Dutch Packaging Institute. Nominated products are judged on their innovative character within the packaging industry in relation to the trends in the market.

The outstanding characteristics of the iCon / ConTracer are, accordinf to the Jury: wireless and remote monitoring – offering additional possibilities for service to the customer – combined ergonomic and safety features – increased degree of utilisation and pay back – tasteful design.

The judgement of the jury with respect to the iCon / ConTracer has been:

The iCon® is a concept well considered, a development in a difficult and very demanding market. Thoughts have been given to all parts in the chain. Thanks to the communication technology a reversal in the chain of supply can indeed be realised; the consumption at the end user drives practically real time the supply chain via the Internet which can be consulted by all parties involved. The container has been designed in good taste and the colours on the containers can be used in a clever way to allow for a certain degree of market segmentation and marketing. In our judgement the iCon® is the winner of the ‘Gouden Noot’ award.

In his word of thanks at the 3rd National Innovation Dinner where the awards were presented, Aart Fortanier (Managing Director of Bonar Plastics North-Europe) shared the highs and lows during the development process with the audience. “We could not have accomplished this innovation without the help and support of our people, partners and last but not least our customers”.