
In a competitive market you need to make a clear choice. Pressure-sensitive labels and the related developments within contemporary labelling technologies offer great flexibility in design building by utilising significant technological application advantages.

In today’s marketplace packaging only has seconds to grab the attention of consumers. When faced with stacked store shelves, products have to stand out to gain consumers’ attention. The right choice of bottle and decoration is the all-important differentiator. Pressure-sensitive labels (PSL) upgrade your brand image due to a contemporary and sophisticated look, which attracts new consumers and could win back old ones. Be different and increase the shelf appeal of your brand with a switch from paper wet glue labels to pressure-sensitive labels.

It is all about design

There is no doubt that adhesive labels do a much better job presenting a brand as a premium brand than paper wet glue labels.

  • PSL open up a wide new range of bottle decoration possibilities with more creative designs like a premium ‘no-label’ look, which underlines the clarity and purity of the product content
  • Special surface effects such as tactile effects, varnishes or functional features can be built into a PSL
  • PSL also retain aesthetic appeal in the fridge and ice bucket – unlike paper wet glue labels – and enable you to meet consumer demand for good-looking precious brands
  • In bars or restaurants, people want to order a drink that they’re proud to be seen with; consumers will notice you as an innovative company and remember your products on the POS
  • Compared to PSL, paper wet glue labels are very standard and only allow limited design options; if applied on to bottles the label is always a separate part and is never seen as a perfect decoration. PSL instead offer a variety of materials to choose from. You can use materials and designs that upgrade your brand image. You can select from a range of film-based or natural stock that allow your designers much more creative freedom. Metallic materials or glossy material with a matt varnish creates amazing effects
  • All printing processes are available and you have more colour stations to use
  • PSL offer superb performance – no wrinkles, bubbles or damaged labels throughout the supply chain

Customer feedback

Jeanette Elgaard Carlsson, international innovation director at Carlsberg: "We can see that there are a number of consumers who are very aware of design when they choose beverage products. There may be situations where they are standing in a bar and want their drinks to match their style. In this case, they may well reject a beer if the design does not appeal to them."

José Murer, responsible development packaging at Evian: "…We are now all convinced that the plastic label is the future for the glass market. All the operators on the line are very impressed and proud of the new products. I am very proud to have proposed this solution of WashOff because the result, for my point of view, is amazing and gives a rebirth for our glass portfolio."

Beverage Marketing Corporation: "The packaging generally has more impact on the consumer than advertising – a brand’s ‘visual equity’ doubles its purchase likelihood."