
PACE has announced it will be attending the annual meeting of the Carolinas Plastics Recycling Council (CPRC) in Charlotte, NC.

Taking place on Friday 3 November, the CPRC is a public / private joint initiative to increase plastic container recovery and recycling in North and South Carolina.

PACE is dedicated to be part of the solution to this issue and to effectively contribute to the development of the global circular economy, by contributing locally.

Some pressing issues in plastics recycling include creating a larger demand for recycled plastic materials and an increased recycled content in products of original equipment manufacturers (OEM), as well as enacting a more efficient capture, separation, and purification process for various plastic fractions.

PACE’s business partners are well positioned to make an impact here with its unique combination of material science and technology knowledge, business and strategic insights, and a very relevant and active global network in the plastics and (specialty) chemical as well as recycling industry.

PACE looks forward to meeting you in Charlotte, or you can discuss on the phone or in person at your convenience.