INDOSA Can Process Center 127-10 proVac: Process Center to Evacuate, Gasify and Seam Cans
By Grabher INDOSA - Maschinenbau AGThe perfect system to produce evacuated, gasified and seamed cans with the highest security standards for the best protection of your high-quality products.
The system also incorporates worldwide unique SCS (single can security) technology. All of the process sequences are independently controlled and checked for each can. Only successfully terminated sequences allow the next process step to be triggered.
- Maximal capacity: 60 to 100 cans / min. Output depends heavily on: product, residual oxygen content and vacuum pump.
- Can range: Ø 73 mm - Ø 127 mm, height: 50 mm - 190 mm. Easily changeable in minutes.
- Can type: tin cans, aluminium cans or gas tight composite cans.
- Lids: tin and aluminium lids (also ring-pull, easy-open, etc.), with or without evacuating cams.
- Low residual oxygen content: residual oxygen adjustable <0.5% by setting the vacuum point. Gassing with N2 or CO2. Low residual oxygen setting reduces process speed.