Flexible packaging provider ProAmpac has partnered with premium speciality baby food producer Bimbosan to manufacture ProActive Renewable bio-based packaging.

The new packaging will be leveraged in Bimbosan’s newest premium baby formula, cereal supplements and cereal paps.

It is manufactured using 65% bio-based resin derived from non-fossil fuel sources in the sealant layer.

The total package comprises more than 40% bio-based material.

Bimbosan general manager Daniel Bärlocher said: “Bimbosan has always had the claim to produce special and sustainable products for babies.

“This is expressed in various aspects of the company philosophy.

“For example, no palm oil is used in production, local suppliers are considered, and a large number of the products are produced in organic quality.

“The fact that ProAmpac’s primary packaging can now also be produced in a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way supports our efforts to leave an intact environment for our children.”

Through the optimisation of the polyethylene sealant layer, ProAmpac reduces the weight of the final packaging by 10%.

ProAmpac product development and innovative manager Manuel Jaggi said: “Adding to the sustainable design of the package, it is foil-free while still offering an excellent barrier to protect from light, moisture, oxygen and mineral oils that would alter or even rot the sensitive powder inside.”

In April, ProAmpac further strengthened its committed sustainability by joining the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR).