Tata Steel has entered into a strategic partnership with the UK’s Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee (Larac) to spread awareness about how to properly recycle steel packaging.

This partnership falls under the steel manufacturer’s country-wide initiative to educate local communities and authorities about the importance of recycling steel packaging correctly.

The company will also teach communities how to segregate and discard steel packaging waste based on its subtype, for example, stainless steel cutlery and reusable flasks should not be recycled using at-home facilities.

However, the company said that food and drink can packaging, aerosols, jar lids, bottle tops and biscuit tins can be discarded in the recycling bins at home.

Tata Steel Steel Packaging Recycling manager Nicola Jones said: “Consumers’ recycling habits can determine the quality of the bales [loads] we receive for melting.

“If they adopt the right recycling habits – putting the right items in recycling bins – then bale quality is high, which leads to higher recycling rates.

“Our partnership with Larac will help us increase the visibility of the related issues and solutions at a grassroots level – via local authorities.”

Tata Steel will be responsible for informing 311 local authorities about the company’s easily accessible collection and recycling infrastructure system it has in place in the UK.

These targeted local authorities are spread across different parts of the UK, including in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales.

The company will leverage its conferences, webinars and other supporting materials such as blog articles, emails sent every two months and educational resources to directly communicate with the associated waste and recycling officers in the country.

Furthermore, the new collaboration will also help in promoting the ‘Metal Matters’ programme that will allow local authorities to educate people on metal packaging recycling.