GMG FlexoProof is specifically geared to the needs of the flexo and packaging markets and allows direct processing of 1-bit imagesetter data, so they can be inexpensively proofed on inkjet printers, and errors detected before platesetting or the start of a press run.
Individual substrate structures such as paper fibres or corrugated cardboard can be reproduced in the proof as well as unfavorable printing conditions and press misregistration.
Equipped with both HKS and the Pantone®-Library pre-loaded as standards, GMG FlexoProof holds central spot colour databases which can be edited and easily complemented. The colour composition can be controlled by defining the tonal value and opacity of each ink, and the sequence in which the spot colours are printed. Special inks such as white or metallic can be added to print an undercoat or to produce a wide range of pearlescent colors.
The optional XG module allows to take advantage of the latest multicolour printer series with an extended colour gamut, allowing far more spot colours to be simulated.
Essential benefits at a glance:
- Colour accurate halftone proofs with simulation of the substrate structure, press misregistration and missing dots
- Extensive spot colour functions and proofing with extended colour spaces
- User-friendly calibration concept for highest stability and consistency across printers, measuring devices and locations