The X7 delivers high-quality packaging automation for in-warehouse fulfilment, packing and shipping, specifically in e-commerce. With the X7, a fully automated packaging process can be realised with right-sized boxes for every single order that are produced just-in-time before shipment.
Key features
- Single-items and unitised multi-orders can be packed in just 3.5 seconds per box; more than 1,000 boxes can be produced per hour
- The products can range from a box of shoes to a cast iron frying pan to an order of dozen packages of pencils
- Key features include item weighing during induction, an inline waste conveyor, item rejection, enhanced outfeed for final checking, reduced dust and scrap and a wide conveyance system
- To allow for a great unpacking experience by the customer, the boxes can be applied with a tear strip for easy opening and an adhesive strip that makes reclosing of the boxes easy
- Installed, tried and tested in the shoe and fashion industry – now deployed at scale